San Francisco is well known for it’s cuisine scene and all the great restaurants you can find in the city, this week we wanted to introduce you to one of our Union Square neighbors, Sauce Belden Lane. Today we go behind the scenes and talk to the three brothers that own Sauce, Nathan, Matt and Trip Hosley.
The “Sauce Boys” opened their first venue, in 2004 in Hayes Valley, and a year later they opened a bar “Shine” at 1337 Mission. Following the success of their restaurant in Hayes Valley, they decided to open a second "Sauce” restaurant on Belden Alley in 2012. The drinks are delicious, the food is pure comfort and they are even open until 1AM. Finally a place open late night!
Inspired by the Proust Questionnaire, here is a set of 10 questions that we like to ask local Personalities, to get to know them a little better.
PH: What is your favorite food and drink in San Francisco?
Trip: I am addicted to our sausage cheese bread, it’s one of my favorite things, otherwise it would be Tony’s Pizza in North Beach and a Trumer Pilsner.
Nathan: If we stay inside of Sauce my favorite is Carpaccio and right now outside would be the Chicken Wings at Kezar Pub, it changes a lot... my favorite drink would be any Whiskey.
Matt: For me inside of Sauce I would have to go with the Burger, I just love the Burger and outside I would go for Peppered Steak and a Manhattan at the Brazen Head.
PH: What is the place you always go to in SF?
Trip: I love Dolores Park.
Nathan: The Academy of Sciences, because my kids love it and I love it, it’s fun.
Matt: One of my favorite spots in town is AT&T Park, love the baseball park, love to catch a day game and I love the surroundings.

PH: What is your favorite street?
Hosley Brothers: GOUGH STREET! Hayes Valley. That’s our neighborhood. We have been there 10 years.
PH: What do you most appreciate in SF?
Trip: I like the diversity, there is always crazy things going on, People watching is always interesting in SF.
Nathan: I love the weather here, I lived in many different places and I love that here its mild, it’s not going to be 114 when I wake up in the morning!
Matt: The availability of good food and good wine, everybody takes it for granted here. The majority of the places you go to always serve high quality product and everything is always fresh, whether you get a sandwich or steak. When you do get out of San Francisco, it becomes evident that you really live in the middle of a culture that really takes food and wine seriously.
PH: What is your favorite occupation in SF?
Trip: My favorite occupation has always been bar tending.
Nathan: If not running my own restaurant, I would be running somebody else’s.
Matt: I’m trying to think, race car driver or boat captain maybe?
PH: What is your idea of happiness?
Matt: Having enough money to be comfortable and having the people I love around me to enjoy.
Trip: Cool glass of wine with my wife and my family.
Nathan: Anytime I am spending with my family.
PH: If not yourself, who would you be?
Nathan: I would be a philanthropist, giving money out all day long, doing fun and cool projects all the time.
Matt: I think I’d be a helicopter pilot, a ski helicopter pilot so I could just hit the best trails all day long.
Trip: I’ll be the first California Powerball winner and then I’d do both of those things!
PH: What is the natural talent you would like to be gifted with?
Trip: The ability to play an instrument.
Nathan: If I could teleport that would be pretty awesome!
Matt: I would like to remember names better.
PH: What is your present state of mind?
Nathan: Eager
Matt: Happy, content.
Trip: I am a little overwhelmed these days.
PH: What is your favorite Motto?
Trip: Mine is “think of the story”, whenever you are facing an opportunity in life think what choice will make a better story later.
Matt: I would say “When you wake up, get up and when you get up, do something”.
Nathan: “Whatever you do, take care of your shoes.”