Today our Personality is a real life adventurer. Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, raised in Scotland, Keith Bellows has visited more than 98 countries all over the world and is a legend in his line of work. Appointed Editor in Chief of National Geographic Traveler Magazine in 1998, Mr. Bellows has won numerous awards and recognitions including 60 Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Awards.
This week Personality Hotels had the honor to have him as a guest at Hotel Diva, where he was signing his new book "100 Places That Will Change You Child's Life".
Let's see what Mr Keith Bellows can tell us about San Francisco and himself, time for Lounge Confessions:
Inspired by the Proust Questionnaire, here is a set of 10 questions that we like to ask the personalities staying with us to get to know them a little better.
PH: What is your favorite food and drink in San Francisco?
KB: "Whenever I come to San Francisco I like to buy some good Brie cheese, French Bread, Salami and to go with that, a bottle of California Chardonnay."
PH: What is the place you always go to when you are in town?
KB: "San Francisco is a great launching pad to explore the surrounding area. I like to discover or re-discovering Sausalito, Muir Woods, Bolinas and Stinson Beach, ride in a convertible to Big Sur or Point Reyes. If I was to pick one neighborhood in SF my favorite would be Pacific Heights."
PH: What is your favorite street ?
KB: "I love to get lost so whatever street I end up on becomes my favorite."
PH: What do you most appreciate in SF?
KB: "San Francisco is one of the most real cities. There is sort of a dychotomy between this city manufactured by Silicon Valley and the real San Francisco which is about the people."
PH: What is you favorite occupation in SF?
KB: "My favorite occupation in this city is people watching. There is so much going on in the streets of San Francisco; you learn a lot about a city, watching it's inhabitants."
PH: What is your idea of happiness?
KB: "A day at the beach with my kids."
PH: If not yourself, who would you be?
KB: "I would have liked to be the right hand man of Winston Churchill during the war."
PH: What is the natural talent you would like to be gifted with?
KB: "Flying, that would save me so much time."
PH: What is your present state of mind?
KB: "I am happy."
PH: What is your favorite Motto?
KB:"Carpe Diem."