Not many people can say they were alive to see the birth of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. But imagine, if you could interview someone that was there. A picture may be worth a 1000 words but a first hand interview is priceless.
Personality Hotels interview with a San Francisco local, Mr. Personality.
On May 27th, 1937, I walked accross the Golden Gate Bridge wearing a Mexican sombrero. I was going north toward Marin County and walking back toward San Francisco. But, why the sombrero you may ask? Simply, because everyone was wearing different costumes and all I owned was a sombrero. I didn’t go out & buy a new outfit or costumes like everyone does now; I used what I had. A sombrero.
What do you remember most during the time the bridge was built?
As the construction crews were close to the finishing the Golden Gate Bridge, I rode my bike to see the final stages. I knew, I was going to walk this unbelievable monument no matter what! Even, if I had to play hooky from work. I did end up calling in sick that day. Best day I spend sick I ever had!
It was unbelievable, I asked myself how could they construct this to fit within a single span?
Did you go to the "grand opening" of the bridge?Yes & I walked it alone. I was 19 year old. My family did not want to go, so I went by myself. I remember that it was a beautiful day with lots of people. They were just walking back & forth across the Golden Gate Bridge. There were no vendors. It felt like it was just me and the Golden Gate Bridge enjoying each others company.
Our "GET GOLDEN" Package:
Celebrating 75 years of the Golden Gate Bridge $65 ($90 Value)
- Don't ride solo like Mr. Personality instead have a 2 all day bike rentals from Blazing Saddles
- A Ghirardelli chocolate bridge (to fully appreciate all that is San Francisco)
- A pack of healthy snacks
- Deluxe accommodations
To book click on the link above or contact us at or call us at 800.553.1900